Rice football recruiting is going to look a bit different over the next month as the dead period begins. What is it and how does it impact the Owls?
Coach Mike Bloomgren and his staff have put together a strong few weeks on the recruiting front. As the summer sun began to beat on the city of Houston the Owls picked up several commitments. Since June 10th the Owls have added three new faces to their 2019 class:
The commitments might not (and hopefully won’t) stop, but the way the staff goes about their recruiting efforts will look different during the coming weeks. The “dead period”, as it has come to be known, officially begins on Monday, June 25 and runs through July 24.
What is the dead period?
During the dead period, no recruits are allowed to visit schools. That means no official visits or unofficial visits. Effectively it puts a pause on recruiting weekends, camps and face-to-face meetings between recruits and coaches. What it doesn’t end are the conversations.
Although coaches can’t talk with players in-person they can still call and text recruits. You can be sure that coach Bloomgren and his staff will be just as active with their targets during the next month as they were in the weeks leading up to the dead period.
When the dead period is over there will still be a halt on official visits. These can’t resume until the regular season kicks off this fall. This will give coaches time to work with their players already on campus and get ready for the upcoming season. Unofficial visits are still allowed, but Rice will be primarily focused on working the phones and preparing for their first game against Prairie View A&M on Aug. 25.