Rice Football is in the market for a new head football coach. Here are a few names to scratch off and a few that make the most sense for the Owls.
Whenever there’s a head coaching change, candidate lists pop up all over the internet. It’s part of the gig. Every outlet has its natural bents and sources and that drives who gets included in each respective allotment. But as is often the case with these things, no real list exists. At least, not a that moment.
I’m certain Rice Athletic Director Tommy McClelland did not go into the decision to fire Rice football head coach Mike Bloomgren blindly. There were probably some potential names or descriptors on his mind, but most importantly, the decision to move on from Bloomgren opened the door for McClelland to align his criteria with a pool of interested parties. A search is underway. And now that a search is underway, a real list exists.
So, after letting the dust settle from the initial shock and doing some due diligence, here’s what I can share about who Rice Football won’t be hiring and a few names and candidate profiles who might be in the mix.
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